What have I done, you ask? Well, I just completed the last inch of i-cord on the umbilical cord hat (Stitch 'n Bitch) that I knit almost in it's entirety before Aria (my little one) was born. Doesn't sound like much, but believe me, I was ecstatic to do this much knitting after so long away.
Now I'm working on the Chevron scarf that I started at the dawn of time. I need to finish it in order to start a pullover I want to make for Aria. The beautiful hemp yarn is all rolled up and waiting ever so patiently for me to begin, but alas, the needles are stuck in the Chevron. I'm getting a few rows in a day; at this rate I'll be able to start the pullover just in time for Aria to outgrow it.
There are a few items I've completed since the last posting. Granted, these were Christmas gifts, so it's still been awhile. Both are from Weekend Knitting. Not shown are the completed French Market Bag (Knitty.com) and a pair of Tweed Slippers from Sarah Dallas Knitting both of which were gifted to my dear sis.